2:00 PM14:00

New Moon Clarity- Yoga Meditation & Sound Healing

New Moon in Capricorn is the perfect time to cultivate clarity for all of your wishes, dreams, goals and plans for the new year. Come spend some time releasing this past year, relaxing, grounding, exploring the energy we are working with and setting some powerful intentions.

You will be guided through a gentle and nourishing yoga practice, appropriate for all levels, supported with props and designed to help you come into a flow state to work in co-creation as you bring focus to what you want to call in. We will have a prompted journaling exercise, chanting, breathwork and end with a sound bath to charge up your dreams and intentions, and clear out any stagnant energy that might be keeping you stuck.

Please come prepared to move, write, sit and to lay comfortable in a longer savasana sound bath.

To bring:

Your yoga mat

Blanket and pillow (whatever you need to be comfortable sitting and laying down)

Journal and Pen

Mug for Tea

Water bottle

Crystals or special items to be with you and collect the energy we will be creating in the space.

I am excited to see what we will create this year, what the future will bring, and how your intentions will travel.

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7:00 PM19:00

Leo Season Intuitive Paint Night and Sound Medicine

We take a moment to honor the significance of the black moon. The representation of the light gone away briefly during each month. This time also gives the permission to take the time to reflect inwards, to tap into our intuition and listen to what are guidance is telling us. We create space needed for this by holding space for each other. A time to be silent and still during a meditative process of letting go through sound, gentle direction and tools. This space is to hold you, give you space, give you support, witness you when you need the support to let go and be within.

We call into circle those seeking guidance for inner reflection. A space for those needing support to express through creation.

We begin circle with brief sharing, meditation and intention setting. Then we dive into creation right away. Alicia guides us through this process with her sound medicine. We all hold space together as we let go, flow and dive deep together.

Please join us August 15th 7pm for our next session. Space is limited to 10 participants. All materials are included in price.

Tickets are available HERE

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10:00 AM10:00

Litha Festival

Join us for a full day of wonders to celebrate the Summer Solstice 2021! Greet the day with an embodied movement yoga class before the opening ceremony, followed by magickal workshops, catered vegan meals, a burning ceremony, sound medicine, crafting flower crowns and herb bundles and dancing into the night! The gathering will take place outdoors on a beautiful permaculture farm between Airdrie and Calgary about 10 min from Crossiron Mills Mall. All further details to come in a welcoming email.

Click HERE for tickets!

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7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Virtual Gathering

Join Alicia, Jasper and Melissa for a magical evening. We will be exploring the themes of the month, having a guided meditation and an intuitive reading for the collective.

February will be centered around radical self love and acceptance.

Class is lovingly offered by donation, if you wish to contribute please send to aliciabowmanyoga.com

Zoom link below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 640 471 2052

Passcode: 183358

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7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Circle & Sound Bath November

November brings us the Beaver Moon, this is a time to prepare for the darkest and coldest time of the year. We have a natural, cyclical tendency to turn inward as the nights get longer. This time is for being still, reflecting, dreaming, preparing for the chrysalis time.

We will gather together to support each other in some powerful clearing and healing practices. Full moon energy illuminates what is needing to be healed, she highlights our trappings, old wounds, stories, patterns and blocks and helps us begin to dissolve them.

Sound bathing can be a transformative meditation experience. You will be washed over with the gentle, healing vibrations of many instruments including crystal bowls tuned to chakras, elemental chimes, various drums and the earthy harmonium and more!

Please come prepared to sit in circle, journal, share, sing, move and then relax in your own personal nest to absorb and journey with the healing and shifting vibrations of my chakra tuned quartz bowls and other instruments.

The location is the Collective in Airdrie, I will send out an email to all participants prior to the event with all the finer details.

Tickets are HERE

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7:00 PM19:00

Once in a Blue Moon: Circle and Sound Bath - SOLD OUT

Join me for this rare and magical event, blue moons are rare and Halloween Blue moons are even more so! The last time we had a Full Moon on Halloween was 2001, and the next time we will see one is in 2039! The last Halloween Blue Moon was in 1974!

We will be gathering in circle to share some Blue moon medicine, support each other in some powerful clearing and healing practices. Full moon energy illuminates what is needing to be healed, she highlights our trappings, old wounds, stories, patterns and blocks and helps us begin to dissolve them.

2020 has been a wild time, many of us have experienced an intense rollercoaster of emotions and erratic energies. This is a safe space to dive into those currents, support and learn from each other, in the interest of healing.

Blue moons are said to be a more potent energy and very lucky! This is a beautiful time to charge up your manifestations, wishes, and dreams.

Please come prepared to sit in circle, journal, share, sing, move and then relax in your own personal nest to absorb and journey with the healing and shifting vibrations of my chakra tuned quartz bowls and other instruments.

Tickets HERE

To Bring:

Journal and Pen

Alter Item (jewelry, a stone, something you want to represent you in circle and charge with energy)

Blanket and Pillow (anything you want for comfort during the sound bath, your nest)

Anything you wish to drink

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New Moon Magic: Intuitive painting and Sound Bath
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Magic: Intuitive painting and Sound Bath

Join us on Vashty’s beautiful permaculture farm for this New Moon Magic event! We will be calling in the new moon energy at the start of this new lunar cycle. Sitting in circle, using intuition to create, and settling into the healing vibrations of Alicia’s multiple sound bowls and other instruments. Set your new intentions, plant your seeds and seal and celebrate them with this beautiful practice in a community of supportive sisters.

You will go home with your creation to remind you of the magic you posses and all that is possible when you set New Moon intentions.

Limited Space Available.

Tickets Available Here

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2:00 PM14:00

Full Moon Recharge: Yoga and Sound Bath

Join us for a gentle and sweet flow yoga practice under the expansive energy of the full Harvest moon. Fill your cup with nourishing movement, followed by a long and restful shavasana sound healing session. Soak up the sound waves of Alicia’s 7 chakra tuned crystal sound bowls, the warm and earthy tones of the harmonium, the fluid hang drum and more! A sound bath can take you on a beautiful inner journey of transformation, revitalization and relaxation.

Investment $33 at Oxygen Yoga Airdrie

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2:00 PM14:00

When Mothers Gather

An event to rebuild the village, sit in circle, support and be supported by women, herbal crafting, dancing and sound bathing! Join us on Vashti’s beautiful land for this event!

This event is by donation (suggested $20) cash or emt to vashtydansereau@gmail.com

Please email to rsvp vashtydansereau@gmail.com or if you have any questions!

Dress for the weather, bring blankets to build your nest for a comfortable sound healing meditation.

Bring your journal, pen, anything you want to drink and any herbs you might want to add to our crafting of smudge sticks. We will have plenty to share!

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to May 19

Womens Empowerment Kickboxing and Yoga

In collaboration with Alive Strong and Fearless!

Kelsey will be leading the kickboxing and Alicia will lead yoga class! Classes with be alternating weekly and include time with a workbook, group discussion on various topics dealing with connection to self, empowerment, community and more!

This has been a highly requested course! We can’t wait to dive in!

Investment $165 12 week course Tuesday nights 6:30 to 7:30

Starts March 3rd, more info and sign up here

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to May 25

Teen Yoga 12 Week Course

Alive Strong and Fearless Teen yoga program new session is kicking off again soon! Ages 12-15 Girls only. This is a female empowerment program where we meet for yoga practice and work together in group discussions dealing with topics like “what is strong to me?” “what is beautiful to me?”

My intention in this group is to help the girls build a deeper connection to self, to look inward rather then out to external validation. To realize that they are whole and enough all on their own, and that no one can ever take that away!

We move our bodies in vigorous flow and try lots of fun poses and transitions in the yoga class, in the discussion portion we use our workbooks provided to navigate the topics (one per week) and that is where the true magic seems to happen. In past groups the girls bond over these talks, realizing they are not alone in their fears, doubts and issues coming up. They are stronger together and so supportive of each other!

Teen/ Youth Yoga led by Alicia Bowman

12 weeks of Yoga

Ages 12-15years old

Monday’s 630pm- 730pm (please note no class on Victoria Day Monday)

More info and Sign up Here


Alive Strong Fearless

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2:00 PM14:00

Advanced Arm Balance and Inversions Workshop

A two hour practice to advance your asana!

Warm up with a dynamic vinyasa flow to get into your arm balance and inversion practice! We will have time to workshop different hand balances and fun transitions, discuss appropriate times in regular classes where you can begin to sprinkle in more advanced postures with your regular flow, and ask your questions.

This class is designed for those who have a desire to learn headstands, hand stands, arm balances and fun transitions in between!

Date: Sunday, January 19

Time: 2-4pm

Investment $40

Sign up at Unity Yoga Airdrie


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